Body Bands
Fabric resistance bands designed by a yogi for yoga and pilates. Hand made from soft elastic fabric to avoid latex allergies, hair pulling and snapping, long with looped handles for versatility. Add resistance to almost any movement or pose, for any body.
Your yoga practice is a beautiful gift to the body, adding a bit of resistance is placing the bow on top. Build more strength in your muscles and bones, while at the same time becoming incredibly aware of your body in your practice. The light resistance gives you feedback about where your focus truly is and encourages you to stay present and activated.
Boost the bone and muscle building of your pilates practice with the heavier red resistance bands. The same soft fabric and incredible versatility make this a must have addition to your props collection. Use the bands for everything a booty band will do, plus a world of extra exercises.
Access online sequences and mini classes when you purchase by clicking below. For more information or studio sets please contact me here.